Factory in the Cloud
Embrace the Cloud, Reach New Heights with FactoryLogix Online

Manufacturers want to improve their operations but also need an affordable, rapid and low-risk solution without having to compromise on functionality. FactoryLogix Online combines the strengths of cutting-edge cloud-native technologies, with the convenience of cloud hosting and management, all wrapped up in straight-forward subscription pricing and rapid implementation.

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The Power Applet Approach & The Connected Worker

See how you can leverage a "power applet" approach fueled by a robust business logic fabric, a proven IIoT engine, and a vast contextualized data model to visually create your own routes, analytics and completely customizable front-line worker interfaces---all drag-and-drop—no scripting, no coding, no developing data models. Stay ahead of the game and unlock new possibilities for your factory.

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The Role of MES for CO2 Emission and Sustainability

This webinar available on-demand clarifies the meaning of sustainability from multiple perspectives, setting into context the crucial role that a modern MES solution plays.

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2023 Outlook
2023 Outlook: What’s Ahead for Manufacturers?

Aegis Software & ABI Research explore the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities facing the manufacturing industry and discuss how to stay ahead of the curve in 2023.

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Beware Extreme Software

In this latest on-demand webinar you will discover the different types of MES offerings that are out there in the market, from one extreme to the other, looking into the pros and cons of each.

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Quality Wave
Surf the Quality 4.0 Wave

Do you have siloed systems for quality, manufacturing, testing, inspection, reporting, and so on? Manufacturers running disparate quality and manufacturing systems tend to lack confidence in their data, have increased defect and rework rates, and increased cost of quality. Watch this on-demand recording to explore the latest quality management trends and the benefits of a modern and holistic approach to quality management.

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Don’t Be the Weakest Link in Your Supply Chain

In this on-demand webinar, you will discover the strong connection between supply chain and manufacturing and how to find a solution that addresses and eliminates common issues.

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Med Device
The Ultimate in Personalized Manufacturing

In this latest on-demand webinar you will discover the opportunities and requirements for personalized manufacturing and how the Digital Twin connects the worlds of design, manufacturing, and utilization.

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Digital Dominance
How Manufacturers Can Achieve Digital Dominance

Data is at the foundation of digital dominance, yet the velocity, volume, and contextualization of this data are overwhelming manufacturers’ infrastructures, processes, and people. Aegis & IDC Research discuss key elements to achieve digital dominance.

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