Disruptive to Productive
How to Harness Technology as a Productive Workforce Enabler

As consumer demands increase and evolve, manufacturers must find ways to increase their output accordingly. But how can manufacturers turn today’s most disruptive technology trends into productive workforce enablers?

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The Smarter Perspective
The Smarter Perspective, From Aegis

As Industry 4.0 and Smart manufacturing continue to dominate the industry conversation, most manufacturers still seek a way to effectively bring these concepts to fruition in their own manufacturing environments. In this whitepaper, Aegis provides a fresh perspective on Industry 4.0 and Smart manufacturing.

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Digital Manufacturing
Benchmark the State of Your Manufacturing Digitalization

LNS Research and Aegis Software deliver key insights on Industrial Transformation and discuss why now is the right time to take big steps towards Smart Manufacturing and Industry 4.0.

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Digital Engineering Manufacturing Video
FactoryLogix: Digital Manufacturing Engineering

FactoryLogix provides a true process driven architecture for developing intelligent work instructions for all kinds of assemblies at the most granular activity level.

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Compliance & Performance
Driving Compliance & Performance with MES Software for Medical Device Manufacturers

In this Research Spotlight, LNS Research will highlight the benefits of next generation Manufacturing Operations Management (MOM) software to address the challenges of quality, compliance, and production capabilities in the medical device industry.

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Jets flying
A Guide to Weaving the Digital Thread for Aerospace and Defense Manufacturers

Access this whitepaper today to learn the top goals, objectives, and challenges for A&D companies and actionable recommendations.

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paperless factory
The Truly Paperless Factory

Managing the entire digital thread from design data, through revision control and work instructions and bill of materials to final dispatch, along with control of revisions and engineering changes, is the real path to paperless enlightenment.

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Traceability benefits
Traceability: A Benefit Not a Burden

Once seen as a burden, traceability actually offers an opportunity to drive operational excellence when properly utilized.

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Cost & Quality
A Win-Win Strategy for Cost & Quality

Best-in-Class Manufacturers are taking a holistic approach to create a win-win situation for their operations and their customers—an approach that’s powered by the winning combination of Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) with Quality Management modules.

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